Individual & Group Therapy · Process Groups · Anxiety, Anger Management & More

Joseph Acosta

Joseph Acosta, M.A.
Licensed Professional Counselor
Certified Group Therapist
(512) 576-9523

Online Psychotherapy

People often come to talk with me about how they feel empty or lonely. They describe a sense of longing to be more connected with those around them. Others tell me about symptoms of depression and anxiety like worry, irritability and circular thinking. It’s as if we live caged within ourselves sometimes.

Psychotherapy can address these concerns. By looking at the barriers that prevent us from communicating effectively, we discover blocks to our own development. Addressing these emotional, psychological and relational barriers in a mutually created therapeutic process can lead to an engaged way of relating with oneself and others. It can help relieve depression, anxiety, self-criticism and loneliness. More importantly, it can lead to more internal freedom and a sense of interconnectedness.