Joseph Acosta, M.A.
Licensed Professional Counselor
Certified Group Therapist
(512) 576-9523
Groups offer the opportunity to tell the emotionally significant story of your life and have group members see the person you are becoming.
Group members are asked to put their thoughts, feelings and impulses into words. While this sounds simple, internal resistances can arise when we attempt to communicate difficult thoughts and feelings. By studying these resistances, we notice the processes interfering with emotional communication and how we might avoid specific feelings, sidestep certain topics or get self-protective. As we become more adept at effectively expressing our internal states, we may notice greater capacity to be relationally involved. This can lead to a greater sense of belonging and lessen the pain of social isolation. It also can lead to a stronger sense of self-efficacy and more internal authority.
Being able to have all of our thoughts, feelings and impulses and then choose an effective response is a key component of a successful life.
Please contact me for information about groups with openings.